Monday, November 16, 2009

Twitter sucks. Go Facebook.

First off, I hate the idea of twitter. Why do something I could already do on Facebook when it's the only thing you can do? Convenience, my friend. How is it doing so well when the primary audience are Americans? We like convenience! And I AM AN AMERICAN! I spit on this idea of having to use a few extra clicks versus refresh. Facebook, if you're reading this, buy twitter or something.

Hopefully, by now, you've noticed my resentment towards this program. With my understanding, I refuse to see past the impracticality. Everyone should just join Facebook when they're born as part of their birth certificate. There should be a link on it somewhere. Then, if you ever make friends in the real world you have to confirm eachother on facebook IMMEDIATELY to let them know you're actually friends in real life.

You know how, exactly, twitter can be used for evil? I have proof: Miley Cyrus has deleted her twitter account :(. Suicide rates in pre-teen girls must be on the rise! Personally, I haven't eaten in days (minus lunch, dinner and the occasional snack) in protest of this. How could she do this to us? Taking away something so great. Now I have to cry myself to sleep each night without a confirmation on what she's thinking about.

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