Monday, November 16, 2009

ZoHo, Google Docs and some other thing

Zoho is alright I guess... but Google Docs is what brings home the bacon. I've been using Google Docs since high school, it just kind of happens. I mean, if you have a Gmail account why would you use anything else? It's the AMERICAN thing all over again, so don't get me started... commie. What? Sorry, that was rude... ruskie.

You didn't hear anything, I'm not here. Oh hey, I'm back. How're the kids? Good to hear. Stop getting me sidetracked, you know what it does to me. Now, let's talk about America a bit more... what if the founding fathers used Google Docs? That'd be pretty intense, I'll admit. Too bad the internet wasn't invented, commie. I'll tell you what, say it was. Say there was some sort of off the wall revolution these days that a ton of people started dying from in the name of freedom only to have it turn into a waste a few hundred of years later because that's how it goes. Of course there's always the internet savvy power ranger wearing blue who would write it and put it on the web, then what? People could digg it lower and make sure no one sees it. Like Russia. Think of if everyone in Communist Russia pressed dislike on it and you never saw it. Effective revolution, eh? I bet it would look pretty, though.

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